Friday, February 17, 2012


This post seems really personal. You know how one of the things your told to do when making a speech is to imagine everyone in their undies? This feels like vice-versa! Recently I had a major breakdown. I guess I hit a breaking point. Things just seemed to be falling apart. My husband and I were grieving our separate ways. I know we should've been doing it together with Gods help, but somehow things got messed up, misunderstood, and totally wrong. When Jack first passed it seemed like we were going to be a stronger family for it. I know for a fact that's what was supposed to happen. I know God uses the bad to make something new. The enemy also knows when to creep in. Since my breakdown my husband and I went to counseling together. It was so precious, and everyday since then has been as well. God again used something bad for good. I love Him and just stay in awe of Him. The lesson is to stay vigilant! This is such a vulnerable time for my family. If we don't keep our eyes on God we will fall apart. The day of the funeral I just knew we were going to come through the fire just as God had planned. Blinded by grief we all lost sight of this. I'm not saying I'm not sad. I'm not saying that we won't have anymore rough patches, we're all human. I am saying thank you to the mighty God I serve for my breakdown. I'm thanking Him for the wake up call to my family! Greater is He who is in me than he who is of this world!

1 comment:

  1. My friend Lori Young told me about you, and thought I'd be interested in reading your story. I lost my son...14 years ago...he was 14 months old. The circumstances were a little different, but my pain is just like yours...14 years later. I will pray for you and I hope that you find peace.
